The International Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice is the launching pad for your success as a practitioner, the initial stepping stone to becoming a Registered Kinesiopractor®.
It is comprised of six modules. Our emphasis is on professional clinical excellence, not exams.
- Two Modules are Kinesiology training units. (i) FPK1 – the six units on Kinesiology material that form the foundational principals of the ICPKP courses including those that are also taught to the lay-public; (ii) PKP1 – our 6 units of professional material based around ICPKP’s unique “Finger Moding” system, goal setting, emotions, extensive Database of Techniques and exclusive Balancing Protocol.
- Three Modules relate to your clinical work and personal experience with a Registered Practitioner. We require these to ensure adequate skill and mastery to succeed in full-time practice.
- One Module is home study and contains the knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology that is the basis of the physical side of PKP™. This also integrates a unit on specific health terminology to enable you to communicate effectively with both clients and health and wellness professionals.
- “Other” Units: Colleges using PKP™ materials may include in their curricula units of generic health material (eg. infection control procedures). See “Individual Country Requirements” below.
ICPKP – Certificate Curriculum
Foundational Principles of Kinesiology™
- Energisers and Self-Care. Foundational techniques like NE, NL, NV
- Professional touch, muscle testing, basic Kinesiology procedures
- Five Element yin, sound and colour balances
- Meridians, organ systems, surrogates, 14 muscle goal balance
- 5-El 1 pt, AHP, Luo and Accumulation pt balances, alarms, emotion
- Clinical body contact, palpation, professional client draping
Foundational Principles of Professional Kinesiology Practice™
- PKP™ Finger Modes, balance protocol, basic database, active listening
- Many pain reduction techniques, assessment and contra-indications
- Diet awareness, food combine and rotation, biogenic foods, history
- Reactivity, posture, muscle stretch, sust muscle use, contralaterals
- Ethics, boundaries, relationships, rapport, records, case studies
- Mastery of Emotional Stress: 20 powerful stress-defusion techniques
- Supervised Student Clinic experience – 50 hours
- Clinical Practice Client Sessions (mentored) – 75 hours
- Personal Kinesiology Sessions (with an approved ICPKP Diploma Graduate) – Minimum 5
- Anatomy & Physiology 1 – Detailed knowledge of A&P – Analyse and respond to client health information and use specific health terminology to communicate effectively.