The secret lies with the cell membrane. You can’t look after your health unless you look after your cells. Food is only used and utilised as it passes through the cell membrane.
After you put food into your mouth, it enters the digestive system (stomach and small intestine) then the blood system carries the broken down food to the cell. Think of your digestive system as the kitchen where the food is prepared and the blood as the waiter that carries the food to the person sitting at the table. The person may or may not eat the food. The cell membrane is the mouth by which food enters the body.
Hippocrates said, ‘let food be your medicine and medicine be your food’. However if our cells are not receiving our food then we are not getting the ‘medicine’ we need to renew and repair our body. Disease and premature aging are the end result of cells that cannot protect, nourish and repair themselves.
Healthy cell membranes support enzymatic reactions and the utilisation of hormones through hormone receptors on the membrane and after processing in the mitochondria, wastes are ferried out. Cell to cell communication is also dependant on membrane viability.
Our modern diet is extremely low in the specific plant sterols needed to maintain cell membrane integrity. The strains of our basic grains are totally different to those consumed up to 100 years ago.
The cell membrane needs plant sterols in order to work. If we don’t consume those at the correct amount, then the best diet won’t do us any good. An under functioning cell membrane is the most common problem I see in my clinic and with a simple test is the easy to address.
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