Ever asked yourself ‘how did I end up like this? I am an intelligent person’. Many of our problems begin with cellular programming.
Scientists in the late 70s such as Dr Candice Pert, PhD, author of Molecules of Emotions, discovered that the body isn’t just a biochemical mass, but one where many processes of information exchanges are occurring. When we think and feel, the brain produces chemicals called peptides which bounce up and down on receptors on the cell surface. The bouncing is what scientists call binding (the same way a drugs acts in the body) and causes a vibration which opens the doorway to the cell.
Just as a cell phone (pun intended) sends information in the form of vibrations, the peptides also transmit messages from the surface to the cell’s interior where messages can change the state and direction of the cell dramatically, such as cell division, manufacturing of new proteins, adding or subtracting of chemical groups and the life of the cell. These minute physiological phenomena can translate to larger changes in behaviour, mood and physical consequence such as disease and weakness in muscles. Put simply, if the cell is the engine that drives all life, then the receptors are the buttons on the control panel of that engine and it’s the peptides that are the fingers that push the buttons.
This information exchange can also affect sperm and egg, so guess what – the next generation also displays certain physical symptoms or modes of behaviour. Some cellular programs are what Kinesiologists call sabotages and can be cleared in the body’s own time and priority.
Most health issues have been found to have sabotaging programmes behind them but at whatever age the programming became installed, the body stores that information and can be accessed at any time the body allows. Again, muscle testing can access all necessary information so the client can make informed choices.