Wouldn’t it be great if we could look inside the body ourselves when something isn’t right or when were just not feeling well and make a decision ourselves what to do about it.
Kinesiology muscle testing is a tool to access the information about everything in the body; find out what state the body is in, from the cell to larger organs and to personalise a plan to suit each individual for optimal health.
All information and every memory is stored at cellular level within the subconscious brain so if we want to clear the cause of a problem we have to have access to that information. Well it just so happens we have access – the muscles. The ANS – Autonomic Nervous System – controls the muscles, organs and other body tissues and is constantly sending messages to them. By reversing the process, the Kinesiologist moves the muscles via a ‘muscle testing’ technique accessing the internal information about the body – like a mouse scanning the software in a computer.
The client comes with a problem and the Kinesiologist ‘reads’ the body, finding the cause and what the body wants as its preferred healing modality. At all times it is the client telling the Kinesiologist from the ANS via the muscles what the cause of a problem is and what to do about it. The body is a very smart machine and already has the blueprint of health and is always working to maintain its own homeostasis – happy state. Diseases are brought about by causes, not by bad luck or a deficiency in chemical drugs. There may be many causative factors but the majority appear to be diet, nutrition and environmental stress.
Three cheers for emergency medicine and its staff when we need them, but our first port of call should always be self-care from the very first niggle. Natural medicines and therapies allow the body to regenerate itself by stimulating its own inbuilt defenders and healthy system promoters. But which of these ‘natural therapies’ do you choose? Again the subconscious body knows what’s best and it’s just a matter of accessing that information from the ANS.